Article(s) récent(s) sur "Solidarité"
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Streamlining the EU: Better governance without Treaty change
In this special edition of the European Council Experts’ Debrief, Jim Cloos and guest co-editor Giles Merritt have gathered comments from former practitioners and leading experts on how to improve...
Le changement d'époque n'attend pas
L'Union européenne doit faire preuve de vision stratégique et d'urgencePar Ralph Thiele, Président EuroDéfense-GermanyParu dans le Frankfurter le 18 décembre 2024 - Lien --> Cliquez-IciEn voici...
“Europeanising” NATO: a pipedream or an obvious necessity for Europeans?
By Jean-Marc Vigilant, French Air Force Major General (retired)Former Director of the French War CollegePresident of EuroDéfense-FranceResearch Associate at IRIS“Europeanising” NATO: a pipedream...
The case for a truly ‘European’ missile defence system
OPINION ARTICLE – Former Air Force Chief of Staff, General Jean-Paul Paloméros and former senior executive of EADS (now Airbus) Denis Verret , both members of the Board of EuroDéfense-France,...
When needs must
(or exploiting existing European defence cooperation solutions to best avail)When needs must : Over the years, Europe has developed a large number of collaborative defence sector instruments:OCCAR...