By Jean Fournet, Lieutenant General (Armament Corps, retired), President of EuroDéfense-France
In France, the year was marked by presidential and legislative elections with surprising results that have wreaked havoc on the political and social scene. Across the Channel, Prime Ministers came and went, Queen Elizabeth II passed away and a wave of social unrest and strikes swept across the country. In Germany, the new Chancellor bowed to the pressures of international events and introduced previously unthinkable policy changes, especially with regard to defence. In Italy, the electorate voted in a right/extreme right coalition, the policies of which as yet remain obscure, just to mention some European countries. For the EU, the first half of the year was under French presidency and ambitious three-pronged propositions were put forward: greater European sovereignty, a new European growth model and a more “human” Europe. While the invasion of Ukraine has obviously forced Member States to change their priorities, in the defence sector Europe saw a number of positive developments, in particular with agreement over the Strategic Compass and the decision to give defence industry investment new momentum.
But the main event of the year was undoubtedly the return of large-scale warfare in Europe with the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops on 24 February. Eleven months later, there are several conclusions that may be drawn: a) the fantastic resilience of the Ukrainian people and the resistance and the determination of its armed forces, b) the widespread solidarity among EU Member States and with the country under attack, which is receiving military, financial and humanitarian aid, c) a growing awareness of the need for rearmament after 30 years of “peace dividends”, d) the end of “military neutrality” in Sweden and Finland, with both countries applying to join the Atlantic Alliance, e) confirmation of the key role of NATO and American involvement in Europe, f) the massive impact of well calculated and well-coordinated sanctions policies, even though these have not isolated the aggressors as much as could have been hoped.
While all eyes may be firmly fixed on events in Ukraine and their consequences, we would be unwise to overlook other areas where real or latent tensions could pose a threat to Europe, developments in the Mediterranean Basin being a constant major source of concern. The energy crisis and competition over oil and nature gas resources, worsening food shortages, the problems of countries with rapidly growing populations desperate for change and hovering on the brink of revolution with the resulting heightened regional antagonisms are just some of the unsettling factors plaguing the Mare Nostrum of our ancestors.
The year 2022 ended with the spectacle of the football world cup. As with other sports, the event showed us that the game is never over until the final whistle has been blown. Or, in other words, that perseverance, tenacity, fighting spirit and moral courage are qualities that are vital for those wishing to attain their goals. And we can always learn from action taken and approaches adopted even if these are not successful in the end. In addition, relations between groups of individuals, geopolitics, the balance of power, including military power, trade, financial, economic and cultural relations, etc. cannot be established overnight or over the duration of a match in the limited area of a football pitch or sports field. Time and space factors have to be taken on board. But it is important for the team to stand united, with all its members exploiting their individual strengths, being prepared to play a waiting game and husband enough energy to be able to come out fighting when the right time comes.
We can only hope that better times are just around the corner, at least that is what I wish for you and for us all in 2023.
Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes
Editorial translated into English by Christine Cross, EuroDéfense-France Council member
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