Lettre adressée à la Commission européenne
Dear Mr President,
Dear Commissioners,
EURODEFENSE, a network of fourteen national not-for-profit Associations, working together, to promote and contribute to the setting up of credible and effective European Defence, has maintained relations with national and European authorities for many years, taking up a clear positive stance concerning the development of the Common Defence and Security Policy (CSDP).
While you have just taken over your new responsibilities, we would like to congratulate you, in this crucial period, on your nominations as President and we would like to draw your attention to our view of the challenges for the EU in this field and the key role which should be played by the Commission.
Events in the Ukraine and the Middle East are of great concern and make it essential that Europe works together effectively in its response to crises. They lend urgency to the agenda set out. Taking into account serious worries in professional and military circles, and beyond, European policies need to have drive and focus and it needs to have a clear understanding of how military capability fits into the instruments at its disposal, so that decisions can be taken in a timely way. This letter concentrates on industrial aspects which fall within the competence of the Commission.
Repeated cuts in national defence spending as well as the increasing lack of appropriate individual or joint defence capabilities in European countries mean that further postponement of effective decision-making endangers our collective security. EURODEFENSE considers the coming five years of critical importance to establish and implement a well-founded and credible CSDP for the sake of European security and influence. More than ever the geopolitical situation requires a clear definition of European defence.
Last December (2013) the European Council defined objectives to foster quality and costeffectiveness while rectifying fragmentation of European defence markets that undermines the sustainability and competitiveness of Europe’s defence and security industry. Therefore the Commission and EDA are mandated to take necessary and coordinated steps which EURODEFENSE strongly endorses.
In a Communication last July, the Commission presented a roadmap based on the initiatives that have been taken and/or intensified. Close cooperation between the Commission, the Member States, the EEAS and the EDA is required to carry out a substantial list of actions. EURODEFENSE underlines that the importance of the role of the Commission, together with EDA, can hardly be overrated. In each of the relevant areas – Internal market, R&D, industrial policy – the Commission should now put forward ideas and prepare necessary legislation as well as to initiate projects and bring public and private partners together. Priorities and deadlines should be set on the way to the European Council of June 2015. Proposals concerning the funding of military R&D should take into account the decreased funding by Members States as well as the necessity for an EU budget for this purpose.
EURODEFENSE believes that this approach is the only viable method to make sufficient and effective progress. It is also the only method to stimulate required synergies between Ministries of Defence as well as between governments and industries. It is politically most important to promote a coherent approach at EU level among all parties concerned. All Member States prepared to take part in cooperation between the willing should be encouraged to do so.
The stakes are high. Intensified cooperation and integrated projects are key to European defence and European armed forces as well as to building up of a credible and trustworthy CSDP. European citizens and society are directly concerned when it comes to their security and defence, and well-being. Public opinion will only be convinced if concrete European perspectives and results are presented. The Annex to this letter gives more details of our findings.
EURODEFENSE believes that now is a critical time for common initiatives in European defence. It trusts that the proposals of your Commission will unequivocally promote that objective. It believes that progress in this area will contribute not only to better value for money in the field of defence, but also to enhance the urgently confidence in the ESDP.
To that end EURODEFENSE is prepared to sustain initiatives of the new Commission through its whole network, and would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further with you or your officials.
Yours faithfully,
Admiral Lutz Feldt (retd)
President, EuroDéfense-Deutschland
President in Office, EURODEFENSE
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